RC24 - Armed Forces and Society

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01May 2024

RC 24 organizes six panels at Buenos Aires World Congress; new board elected

IPSA's Research Committee 24 "Armed Forces and Society" organized six panels at the 27th World Congress in Buenos Aires on 15-19 July 2023. 

These included:

RC24.01 Issues in Military Professionalism and Ethics

RC24.02 Issues in Latin American Military Education

RC24.03 The Role of the Military in Transitioning

RC24.05 Armed Forces and Society: Defense Cultures, Civil Society and Innovation in Armed Forces

RC24.07 Issues in international and Regional Security and Security Cooperation

RC24.08 Issues in Latin American Civil-Military Relations.


Professor Marybeth Peterson Ulrich of the United States Naval War College was elected RC24's Chair.


Profs. José Manuel Ugarte of the University of Buenos Aires and Kai Michael Kenkel of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro were electe Vice-Chairs. 

Dr. Liliana Filip of the Romanian National Defence University is the RC's new Executive Secretary. 

Further Board members and representatives can be found at: https://www.ipsa.org/page/rc24-armed-forces-and-society . 




29Apr 2024

RC-24 Call for Papers, IPSA World Congress, July 12-16 2025, SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA

IPSA Research Committee on Armed Forces and Society (RC-24) 



Sponsor:  International Political Science Association (IPSA), Research Committee on Armed Forces and Society (RC-24)

Interdisciplinary research on the armed forces and civil society has focused on a variety of subjects, including civil-military relations, the role of the military in politics, and military organization and psychology.  In the early years of the discipline, a great deal of research concentrated on explaining coups and military-led authoritarian regimes in the developing world. Later, in the 1980s and 1990s, with Third Wave democratizations underway, interest shifted to studying civilian control of the armed forces and security sector reform. the study of armed forces and society continues to be significant for scholars, analysts, and policy makers.  Attention has shifted towards military attitudes, the military's role in autocratization, as well as peacekeeping, humanitarian, and other similar deployments around the world.  Robust scholarship has led to the proliferation of monographs, edited volumes, and innumerable articles in such journals as Armed Forces & Society, the Journal of Political & Military Sociology, and other publications geared towards disseminating research within the field.

IPSA’s Research Committee on Armed Forces and Society (RC 24) invites paper proposals for our closed panels at the IPSA World Congress in Seoul, South Korea in July 2025.  We welcome papers exploring a range of topics within the scope of national and international security that touch on issues related to armed forces and society.  Papers that review and analyze the current state of the literature are particularly encouraged to apply.  New empirical and/or theoretical studies analyzing significant issues of civil-military relations, national, and international security, or similar research is also welcome.  Both RC-24 members and non-members are encouraged to submit paper proposals.  However, if selected to participate in a panel at the World Congress, you must become a member of IPSA.  Participants in RC-24 panels are granted membership in RC 24. 

On July 10th the call for papers will open at the IPSA Seoul World Congress website: https://www.ipsa.org/events/congress/seoul2025   The Congress theme is Resisting Autocratization in Polarized Societies.  November 5th, 2024 is the deadline to submit to RC 24's closed panels.  Please submit your paper proposal (abstract up to 350 words) to the RC Chair, Marybeth Ulrich, abstracts (up to 350 words), by October 1st at marybeth.ulrich@usnwc.edu  The RC 24 organizing committee will create the RC’s closed panel topics based on the submitted paper proposals.  Between October 1st and October 15th you will receive an invitation to submit your paper proposal to a specific RC-24 closed panel.  At that time you will go to the World Congress website to attach your paper to the designated panel.  For further information about the 2025 World Congress, consult the website above.  Please encourage your colleagues to participate in what promises to be an outstanding set of RC-24 panels in Seoul.  




19Nov 2011

RC 24 joins social media sites

Accounts on LinkedIn and GooglePlus have been established. Feel free to join in the conversations on either site.

